Men's D3    (March, 2019)
Men's D3 Standings
Men's D3 Schedule
DateHome AwayTime/StatusVenueGame TypeOfficials
Mon-Mar 4   (9th- B Pool Playoffs) Rink Ratz (Red) 3 - 4 (8th - B Pool Playoffs) Thunder Buddies (Navy) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Mon-Mar 4   (3rd) Cobras (Purple) 1 - 5 (1st) Red Raiders (Red) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
Mon-Mar 4   (2nd) The Hawks (Black) 3 - 1 (5th) Shamrocks (Green) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Thu-Mar 7   (10th-B Pool Playoffs) Karlssons of Anarchy (Blue/White) 6 - 4 (4th) Reapers (Black) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Sat-Mar 9   (8th - B Pool Playoffs) Thunder Buddies (Navy) 2 - 3 OT (4th) Reapers (Black) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Sat-Mar 9   (10th-B Pool Playoffs) Karlssons of Anarchy (Blue/White) 2 - 7 (1st) Red Raiders (Red) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Sun-Mar 10   (6th) Stonehands (Burgundy) 2 - 5 (3rd) Cobras (Purple) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Mon-Mar 11   (2nd) The Hawks (Black) 6 - 2 (9th- B Pool Playoffs) Rink Ratz (Red) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
Fri-Mar 15   (3rd) Cobras (Purple) 5 - 4 OT (8th - B Pool Playoffs) Thunder Buddies (Navy) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
Fri-Mar 15   (9th- B Pool Playoffs) Rink Ratz (Red) 1 - 7 (1st) Red Raiders (Red) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Fri-Mar 15   (5th) Shamrocks (Green) 3 - 1 (10th-B Pool Playoffs) Karlssons of Anarchy (Blue/White) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
Mon-Mar 18   (5th) Shamrocks (Green) 3 - 4 (9th- B Pool Playoffs) Rink Ratz (Red) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Tue-Mar 19   (11th -B Pool Playoffs) Rockwell Chiefs (Red) 2 - 3 (7th) Blades of Steel Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
Tue-Mar 19   (2nd) The Hawks (Black) 4 - 2 (3rd) Cobras (Purple) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
Tue-Mar 19   (1st) Red Raiders (Red) 4 - 1 (8th - B Pool Playoffs) Thunder Buddies (Navy) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
Wed-Mar 20   (11th -B Pool Playoffs) Rockwell Chiefs (Red) 2 - 1 OT (6th) Stonehands (Burgundy) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
Thu-Mar 21   (1st) Red Raiders (Red) 1 - 2 (4th) Reapers (Black) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Thu-Mar 21   (10th-B Pool Playoffs) Karlssons of Anarchy (Blue/White) 2 - 3 (9th- B Pool Playoffs) Rink Ratz (Red) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Fri-Mar 22   (8th - B Pool Playoffs) Thunder Buddies (Navy) 2 - 3 (5th) Shamrocks (Green) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Sun-Mar 24   (6th) Stonehands (Burgundy) 2 - 7 (7th) Blades of Steel Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Mon-Mar 25   (11th -B Pool Playoffs) Rockwell Chiefs (Red) 0 - 6 (2nd) The Hawks (Black) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
Wed-Mar 27   (11th -B Pool Playoffs) Rockwell Chiefs (Red) 2 - 7 (5th) Shamrocks (Green) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Wed-Mar 27   (1st) Red Raiders (Red) 6 - 0 (6th) Stonehands (Burgundy) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Thu-Mar 28   (3rd) Cobras (Purple) 1 - 9 (7th) Blades of Steel Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Thu-Mar 28   (10th-B Pool Playoffs) Karlssons of Anarchy (Blue/White) 2 - 4 (8th - B Pool Playoffs) Thunder Buddies (Navy) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
Thu-Mar 28   (4th) Reapers (Black) 5 - 4 OT (9th- B Pool Playoffs) Rink Ratz (Red) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
Sun-Mar 31   (4th) Reapers (Black) 3 - 2 (6th) Stonehands (Burgundy) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Sun-Mar 31   (5th) Shamrocks (Green) 3 - 4 OT (7th) Blades of Steel Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Sun-Mar 31   (2nd) The Hawks (Black) 6 - 5 (8th - B Pool Playoffs) Thunder Buddies (Navy) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Sun-Mar 31   (10th-B Pool Playoffs) Karlssons of Anarchy (Blue/White) 1 - 6 (3rd) Cobras (Purple) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Mon-Apr 1   (9th- B Pool Playoffs) Rink Ratz (Red) 3 - 6 (3rd) Cobras (Purple) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
Mon-Apr 1   (1st) Red Raiders (Red) 3 - 2 (5th) Shamrocks (Green) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Tue-Apr 2   (7th) Blades of Steel 3 - 4 (8th - B Pool Playoffs) Thunder Buddies (Navy) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
Wed-Apr 3   (5th) Shamrocks (Green) 1 - 3 (3rd) Cobras (Purple) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
Wed-Apr 3   (2nd) The Hawks (Black) 3 - 5 (1st) Red Raiders (Red) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
Wed-Apr 3   (8th - B Pool Playoffs) Thunder Buddies (Navy) 4 - 6 (6th) Stonehands (Burgundy) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Wed-Apr 3   (4th) Reapers (Black) 8 - 2 (11th -B Pool Playoffs) Rockwell Chiefs (Red) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
Thu-Apr 4   (10th-B Pool Playoffs) Karlssons of Anarchy (Blue/White) 4 - 3 (2nd) The Hawks (Black) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Sun-Apr 7   (10th-B Pool Playoffs) Karlssons of Anarchy (Blue/White) 6 - 3 (11th -B Pool Playoffs) Rockwell Chiefs (Red) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Sun-Apr 7   (6th) Stonehands (Burgundy) 6 - 3 (9th- B Pool Playoffs) Rink Ratz (Red) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Sun-Apr 7   (4th) Reapers (Black) 3 - 2 (7th) Blades of Steel Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Mon-Apr 8   (5th) Shamrocks (Green) 8 - 3 (11th -B Pool Playoffs) Rockwell Chiefs (Red) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
Mon-Apr 8   (1st) Red Raiders (Red) 6 - 2 (10th-B Pool Playoffs) Karlssons of Anarchy (Blue/White) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
Mon-Apr 8   (9th- B Pool Playoffs) Rink Ratz (Red) 2 - 7 (2nd) The Hawks (Black) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Wed-Apr 10   (6th) Stonehands (Burgundy) 4 - 2 (7th) Blades of Steel Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Wed-Apr 10   (5th) Shamrocks (Green) 9 - 3 (2nd) The Hawks (Black) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Thu-Apr 11   (11th -B Pool Playoffs) Rockwell Chiefs (Red) 3 - 5 (7th) Blades of Steel Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Thu-Apr 11   (8th - B Pool Playoffs) Thunder Buddies (Navy) 0 - 1 (4th) Reapers (Black) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Fri-Apr 12   (3rd) Cobras (Purple) 4 - 6 (1st) Red Raiders (Red) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Sun-Apr 14   (10th-B Pool Playoffs) Karlssons of Anarchy (Blue/White) 1 - 8 (4th) Reapers (Black) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Sun-Apr 14   (3rd) Cobras (Purple) 6 - 5 OT (6th) Stonehands (Burgundy) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Mon-Apr 15   (1st) Red Raiders (Red) 7 - 0 (11th -B Pool Playoffs) Rockwell Chiefs (Red) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
Mon-Apr 15   (7th) Blades of Steel 2 - 6 (9th- B Pool Playoffs) Rink Ratz (Red) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Tue-Apr 16   (7th) Blades of Steel 3 - 4 (2nd) The Hawks (Black) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Wed-Apr 17   (6th) Stonehands (Burgundy) 4 - 3 OT (10th-B Pool Playoffs) Karlssons of Anarchy (Blue/White) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
Mon-Apr 22   (9th- B Pool Playoffs) Rink Ratz (Red) 3 - 4 (11th -B Pool Playoffs) Rockwell Chiefs (Red) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Mon-Apr 22   (10th-B Pool Playoffs) Karlssons of Anarchy (Blue/White) 1 - 0 (7th) Blades of Steel Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Mon-Apr 22   (5th) Shamrocks (Green) 4 - 2 (4th) Reapers (Black) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Wed-Apr 24   (3rd) Cobras (Purple) 3 - 2 (11th -B Pool Playoffs) Rockwell Chiefs (Red) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Wed-Apr 24   (6th) Stonehands (Burgundy) 6 - 4 (2nd) The Hawks (Black) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Thu-Apr 25   (4th) Reapers (Black) 2 - 5 (3rd) Cobras (Purple) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
Fri-Apr 26   (8th - B Pool Playoffs) Thunder Buddies (Navy) 3 - 2 (11th -B Pool Playoffs) Rockwell Chiefs (Red) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
Sun-Apr 28   (9th- B Pool Playoffs) Rink Ratz (Red) 5 - 4 (8th - B Pool Playoffs) Thunder Buddies (Navy) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Sun-Apr 28   (2nd) The Hawks (Black) 3 - 1 (4th) Reapers (Black) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
Mon-Apr 29   (1st) Red Raiders (Red) 5 - 2 (7th) Blades of Steel Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Wed-May 1   (6th) Stonehands (Burgundy) 2 - 4 (5th) Shamrocks (Green) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
Fri-May 3   (2nd) The Hawks (Black) 10 - 3 (7th) Blades of Steel Complete Welland Rink 1 Postseason 
Fri-May 3   (3rd) Cobras (Purple) 1 - 3 (6th) Stonehands (Burgundy) Complete Welland Rink 2 Postseason 
Fri-May 3   (4th) Reapers (Black) 6 - 2 (5th) Shamrocks (Green) Complete Welland Rink 2 Postseason 
Sun-May 5   (6th) Stonehands (Burgundy) 3 - 5 (3rd) Cobras (Purple) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Postseason 
Sun-May 5   (5th) Shamrocks (Green) 4 - 0 (4th) Reapers (Black) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Postseason 
Sun-May 5   (7th) Blades of Steel 1 - 7 (2nd) The Hawks (Black) Complete Welland Rink 2 Postseason 
Wed-May 8   (4th) Reapers (Black) 1 - 3 (5th) Shamrocks (Green) Complete Welland Rink 1 Postseason 
Wed-May 8   (3rd) Cobras (Purple) 6 - 5 OT (6th) Stonehands (Burgundy) Complete Welland Rink 1 Postseason 
Sun-May 12   (1st) Red Raiders (Red) 3 - 2 OT (5th) Shamrocks (Green) Complete Welland Rink 1 Postseason 
Sun-May 12   (2nd) The Hawks (Black) 3 - 2 (3rd) Cobras (Purple) Complete Welland Rink 2 Postseason 
Mon-May 13   (3rd) Cobras (Purple) 4 - 3 (2nd) The Hawks (Black) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Postseason 
Mon-May 13   (5th) Shamrocks (Green) 4 - 3 (1st) Red Raiders (Red) Complete Welland Rink 2 Postseason 
Mon-May 20   (1st) Red Raiders (Red) 3 - 4 (5th) Shamrocks (Green) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Postseason 
Mon-May 20   (2nd) The Hawks (Black) 7 - 6 (3rd) Cobras (Purple) Complete Welland Rink 1 Postseason 
Mon-May 27   (2nd) The Hawks (Black) 4 - 0 (5th) Shamrocks (Green) Complete Welland Rink 2 Postseason 
Wed-May 29   (5th) Shamrocks (Green) 7 - 1 (2nd) The Hawks (Black) Complete Welland Rink 1 Postseason 
Thu-May 30   (2nd) The Hawks (Black) 4 - 2 (5th) Shamrocks (Green) Complete Welland Rink 2 Postseason 
Player Statistics
 TeamPlayer#GoalsAssistsPointsPenalty Mins
1(3rd) Cobras (Purple)Cory Lane 1516314
2(1st) Red Raiders (Red)Dryden Leonard 1911302
3(1st) Red Raiders (Red)Brandon Jefferies 1214260
4(4th) Reapers (Black)Mac Levesque77129212
5(1st) Red Raiders (Red)Cameron Goldhawk 156210
6(5th) Shamrocks (Green)Bennett Berg 911200
7(6th) Stonehands (Burgundy)Todd Cubitt 146200
8(3rd) Cobras (Purple)Elliott Leblanc 8111912
9(4th) Reapers (Black)Curtis Dupuis2513186
10(2nd) The Hawks (Black)Michael Villela 7111810
11(8th - B Pool Playoffs) Thunder Buddies (Navy)Jordan Henderson 513182
12(1st) Red Raiders (Red)Patrick Little 512174
13(3rd) Cobras (Purple)Nick Gallen 97162
14(5th) Shamrocks (Green)Andrew Magarian 88160
15(4th) Reapers (Black)Daniel Cacilhas9178150
16(4th) Reapers (Black)Chris Berryman995140
17(5th) Shamrocks (Green)Joshua Brown 86140
18(2nd) The Hawks (Black)Josh Wood 95140
19(5th) Shamrocks (Green)Trent Brunton 310130
20(7th) Blades of SteelAndre Papineau 94130
21(2nd) The Hawks (Black)Paul Jr. Doucette 66126
22(2nd) The Hawks (Black)Dale Doquette 84120
23(8th - B Pool Playoffs) Thunder Buddies (Navy)Jack Trussler 93126
24(7th) Blades of SteelCurtis Coleman 84120
25(7th) Blades of SteelMatt Purcer 48120
26(9th- B Pool Playoffs) Rink Ratz (Red)Eric Vacca 56110
27(6th) Stonehands (Burgundy)Justin Bogoslowski 47114
28(3rd) Cobras (Purple)Ryan Bridges 46100
29(5th) Shamrocks (Green)Lucas Lamberink 55104
30(5th) Shamrocks (Green)Alex Mason 55100
31(6th) Stonehands (Burgundy)Kay Linger 46100
32(2nd) The Hawks (Black)colin Morrone 64100
33(2nd) The Hawks (Black)Nick Morrone 46100
34(2nd) The Hawks (Black)Caleb Clarkson 55100
35(4th) Reapers (Black)Kevin Arbuthnot113698
36(1st) Red Raiders (Red)Ryan Mcdonnell 4590
37(9th- B Pool Playoffs) Rink Ratz (Red)Anthony Pupo 1890
38(9th- B Pool Playoffs) Rink Ratz (Red)Cody McGean 5492
39(5th) Shamrocks (Green)Chris Greenough 6392
40(11th -B Pool Playoffs) Rockwell Chiefs (Red)Jimmy Legault 4592
41(10th-B Pool Playoffs) Karlssons of Anarchy (Blue/White)Nathan Rensen 5382
42(10th-B Pool Playoffs) Karlssons of Anarchy (Blue/White)Mike Rogers 2680
43(4th) Reapers (Black)Jesse McDowell133588
44(1st) Red Raiders (Red)Dylan Mcaleer 2684
45(1st) Red Raiders (Red)Colton Granitto 1780
46(6th) Stonehands (Burgundy)Rachel Sowerby 3584
47(8th - B Pool Playoffs) Thunder Buddies (Navy)Ryan Wallington 2682
48(7th) Blades of SteelRyan Mussell 3582
49(7th) Blades of SteelKevin Dyson 3580
50(7th) Blades of SteelBrandon Lee 5384
51(3rd) Cobras (Purple)Pieter Vrugteveen 2572
52(10th-B Pool Playoffs) Karlssons of Anarchy (Blue/White)Christan Redpath 6172
53(10th-B Pool Playoffs) Karlssons of Anarchy (Blue/White)Tyler Siska 3473
54(10th-B Pool Playoffs) Karlssons of Anarchy (Blue/White)Matt Smith 6170
55(9th- B Pool Playoffs) Rink Ratz (Red)Adriano Pupo 7070
56(5th) Shamrocks (Green)Eric Fowler 4370
57(8th - B Pool Playoffs) Thunder Buddies (Navy)Bailey Campbell 34712
58(3rd) Cobras (Purple)Tim Schleich 0664
59(3rd) Cobras (Purple)Derek Frausel 4262
60(1st) Red Raiders (Red)Mario Lozancic 0660
61(9th- B Pool Playoffs) Rink Ratz (Red)Brian DeGrave 3366
62(6th) Stonehands (Burgundy)Wiggy Duncan 3364
63(2nd) The Hawks (Black)Mitch Morrone 2464
64(8th - B Pool Playoffs) Thunder Buddies (Navy)Benjamin Godin 3360
65(8th - B Pool Playoffs) Thunder Buddies (Navy)Jesse Quaranta 51612
66(11th -B Pool Playoffs) Rockwell Chiefs (Red)Kevin Gibbs 1560
67(10th-B Pool Playoffs) Karlssons of Anarchy (Blue/White)Jon Godin 1450
68(4th) Reapers (Black)Joe Cacilhas6614512
69(9th- B Pool Playoffs) Rink Ratz (Red)William Reid 5050
70(9th- B Pool Playoffs) Rink Ratz (Red)Anthony Ruscitti 1452
71(9th- B Pool Playoffs) Rink Ratz (Red)Frank Ravenda 3250
72(9th- B Pool Playoffs) Rink Ratz (Red)Liam Ashey 0552
73(6th) Stonehands (Burgundy)Mark Dowding 4150
74(6th) Stonehands (Burgundy)Bruno Costa 2350
75(6th) Stonehands (Burgundy)Josh Pietrangelo 3252
76(6th) Stonehands (Burgundy)Keira Hoggard 1452
77(8th - B Pool Playoffs) Thunder Buddies (Navy)Chris Gillis 3252
78(11th -B Pool Playoffs) Rockwell Chiefs (Red)Alex Deluca 2350
79(11th -B Pool Playoffs) Rockwell Chiefs (Red)Tyler Egerter 50512
80(3rd) Cobras (Purple)Eric Parsons 4040
81(10th-B Pool Playoffs) Karlssons of Anarchy (Blue/White)Robert Bagley 2240
82(1st) Red Raiders (Red)Robert Kovacevic 1340
83(9th- B Pool Playoffs) Rink Ratz (Red)Nolan Murawski 4040
84(9th- B Pool Playoffs) Rink Ratz (Red)Charles barker 1342
85(6th) Stonehands (Burgundy)Shanna Linger 0440
86(6th) Stonehands (Burgundy)Dustin Booth 0440
87(2nd) The Hawks (Black)Andrew Kaas 13416
88(2nd) The Hawks (Black)Nicholas Blais 2240
89(7th) Blades of SteelJames Lee 0440
90(7th) Blades of SteelEric Dyson 0446
91(7th) Blades of SteelJoe Pagliaro 3140
92(10th-B Pool Playoffs) Karlssons of Anarchy (Blue/White)Devin Dick 2130
93(4th) Reapers (Black)David Picard271232
94(4th) Reapers (Black)Mitchell McPherson371234
95(1st) Red Raiders (Red)Austin Thorne 1230
96(8th - B Pool Playoffs) Thunder Buddies (Navy)Dylan Etienne 0332
97(8th - B Pool Playoffs) Thunder Buddies (Navy)Calvin Duff 2130
98(8th - B Pool Playoffs) Thunder Buddies (Navy)Riley Henderson 3034
99(7th) Blades of SteelJoel Youngblood 1230
100(7th) Blades of SteelBrad Gordon 2130
101(7th) Blades of SteelKevin Gordon 12312
102(7th) Blades of SteelConrad Simon 3030
103(11th -B Pool Playoffs) Rockwell Chiefs (Red)Darren Spero 2138
104(11th -B Pool Playoffs) Rockwell Chiefs (Red)Dakota Lamb 2132
105(11th -B Pool Playoffs) Rockwell Chiefs (Red)Max Csuka 0330
106(11th -B Pool Playoffs) Rockwell Chiefs (Red)Spencer Reynolds 3030
107(3rd) Cobras (Purple)Nathan Gallen 1120
108(10th-B Pool Playoffs) Karlssons of Anarchy (Blue/White)Adam Siska 1120
109(10th-B Pool Playoffs) Karlssons of Anarchy (Blue/White)Gregor Thimmig 1120
110(10th-B Pool Playoffs) Karlssons of Anarchy (Blue/White)Nick Felice 1124
111(10th-B Pool Playoffs) Karlssons of Anarchy (Blue/White)Ryan Melanson 0220
112(4th) Reapers (Black)Joseph Cacilhas691124
113(1st) Red Raiders (Red)Robbie Mcdonnell 1120
114(6th) Stonehands (Burgundy)Geoff Suk 0221
115(8th - B Pool Playoffs) Thunder Buddies (Navy)Mark Morrison 0220
116(11th -B Pool Playoffs) Rockwell Chiefs (Red)Spencer Maunsell 1120
117(11th -B Pool Playoffs) Rockwell Chiefs (Red)Nick Vendetti 0220
118(11th -B Pool Playoffs) Rockwell Chiefs (Red)Tanyr Chmay 2020
119(3rd) Cobras (Purple)Wayne Eymann 1012
120(10th-B Pool Playoffs) Karlssons of Anarchy (Blue/White)Tyler Etherington 0114
121(10th-B Pool Playoffs) Karlssons of Anarchy (Blue/White)Lyle Renaud 0110
122(4th) Reapers (Black)Luke Cacilhas5801124
123(9th- B Pool Playoffs) Rink Ratz (Red)Michael Caldwell 0112
124(9th- B Pool Playoffs) Rink Ratz (Red)Wayne Barker 0112
125(5th) Shamrocks (Green)Dan Bickerton 0112
126(6th) Stonehands (Burgundy)Jeff Fast 0110
127(7th) Blades of SteelDave Stepanchuk 0112
128(11th -B Pool Playoffs) Rockwell Chiefs (Red)Jaevin Spero 0118
129(11th -B Pool Playoffs) Rockwell Chiefs (Red)Kody Gerada 0110
130(11th -B Pool Playoffs) Rockwell Chiefs (Red)Matt Cianfarani 1010
131(4th) Reapers (Black)Ben McphersonG4000014
132(2nd) The Hawks (Black)Troy Maver 0002
133(8th - B Pool Playoffs) Thunder Buddies (Navy)Brandon Daigneault 0008
134(11th -B Pool Playoffs) Rockwell Chiefs (Red)Austin kelly 0002
Goalie Statistics
 TeamPlayer#GPWinsLossesTiesGoals AgainstGAA
1(1st) Red Raiders (Red)Robbie Mcdonnell 9900141.56
2(3rd) Cobras (Purple)Austin Liddycoat 12840443.67
3(4th) Reapers (Black)Ben McphersonG409720222.44
4(5th) Shamrocks (Green)Dan Bickerton 10631252.50
5(2nd) The Hawks (Black)Remington Zanotto 9630313.44
6(9th- B Pool Playoffs) Rink Ratz (Red)Wayne Barker 9450384.22
7(8th - B Pool Playoffs) Thunder Buddies (Navy)Brandon Daigneault 9450323.56
8(7th) Blades of SteelBrad Stringer 9450273.00
9(1st) Red Raiders (Red)Ryan Mcdonnell 321062.00
10(4th) Reapers (Black)Jesse McDowell13211042.00
11(6th) Stonehands (Burgundy)Bruno Costa 211094.50
12(11th -B Pool Playoffs) Rockwell Chiefs (Red)Kevin Gibbs 110033.00
13(11th -B Pool Playoffs) Rockwell Chiefs (Red)Roger Wilcox 6150284.67
14(10th-B Pool Playoffs) Karlssons of Anarchy (Blue/White)Tyler Etherington 101044.00
15(10th-B Pool Playoffs) Karlssons of Anarchy (Blue/White)Jon Godin 101077.00
16(10th-B Pool Playoffs) Karlssons of Anarchy (Blue/White)Ryan Melanson 101088.00
17(6th) Stonehands (Burgundy)Mark Dowding 3030134.33
18(8th - B Pool Playoffs) Thunder Buddies (Navy)Calvin Duff 101033.00
19(11th -B Pool Playoffs) Rockwell Chiefs (Red)Alex Deluca 101066.00
20(11th -B Pool Playoffs) Rockwell Chiefs (Red)Jimmy Legault 101077.00
League Details
League Type: LeagueRoundRobin
Demographic: Mens
Division: Mens D3
Sport: Ball Hockey (Rules & Regulations)
Start Date: 2019-03-04
End Date: 2019-05-31
Status: Complete
Team Fee: $1,900.00
PlayerFee: $165.00
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