Men's D4    (June, 2019)
Men's D4 Standings
  GP  W  L  T  OTL  GF  GA  GD  PTS Calendar Sync
(1st) Wakanda Forever (purple) 121110076472922
(3rd) Rink Ratz (red) 12930061421918
(2nd) Karlsson's of Anarchy (teal) 1293004032818
(4th) Predators (yellow) 12750158471115
(5th) Demons (Orange) 1257014745211
(6th) Rockwell Chiefs (red) 1257003945-610
(7th) Yak Attack (Red) 1239043139-810
(8th) Canadian Budz (purple/white) 1239004776-296
(9th)JAFT (blue) 12210004066-264
Men's D4 Schedule
DateHome AwayTime/StatusVenueGame TypeOfficials
Thu-Jun 6   (2nd) Karlsson's of Anarchy (teal) 4 - 2 (7th) Yak Attack (Red) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Thu-Jun 6   (9th)JAFT (blue) 7 - 6 (5th) Demons (Orange) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Thu-Jun 6   (6th) Rockwell Chiefs (red) 3 - 9 (1st) Wakanda Forever (purple) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Fri-Jun 7   (4th) Predators (yellow) 10 - 6 (8th) Canadian Budz (purple/white) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Sun-Jun 9   (5th) Demons (Orange) 1 - 4 (8th) Canadian Budz (purple/white) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Sun-Jun 9   (4th) Predators (yellow) 3 - 4 (9th)JAFT (blue) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Sun-Jun 9   (2nd) Karlsson's of Anarchy (teal) 2 - 3 (6th) Rockwell Chiefs (red) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Thu-Jun 13   (9th)JAFT (blue) 5 - 9 (1st) Wakanda Forever (purple) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Thu-Jun 13   (6th) Rockwell Chiefs (red) 3 - 1 (5th) Demons (Orange) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Fri-Jun 14   (4th) Predators (yellow) 1 - 5 (2nd) Karlsson's of Anarchy (teal) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Fri-Jun 14   (7th) Yak Attack (Red) 1 - 3 (8th) Canadian Budz (purple/white) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Sun-Jun 16   (5th) Demons (Orange) 3 - 6 (7th) Yak Attack (Red) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Sun-Jun 16   (1st) Wakanda Forever (purple) 3 - 7 (4th) Predators (yellow) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Sun-Jun 16   (9th)JAFT (blue) 2 - 3 (2nd) Karlsson's of Anarchy (teal) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Sun-Jun 16   (6th) Rockwell Chiefs (red) 11 - 3 (8th) Canadian Budz (purple/white) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Mon-Jun 17   (3rd) Rink Ratz (red) 7 - 6 OT (7th) Yak Attack (Red) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Wed-Jun 19   (2nd) Karlsson's of Anarchy (teal) 0 - 2 (1st) Wakanda Forever (purple) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
Sun-Jun 23   (5th) Demons (Orange) 3 - 4 (3rd) Rink Ratz (red) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Sun-Jun 23   (8th) Canadian Budz (purple/white) 3 - 4 (1st) Wakanda Forever (purple) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Sun-Jun 23   (6th) Rockwell Chiefs (red) 1 - 4 (4th) Predators (yellow) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Tue-Jun 25   (5th) Demons (Orange) 9 - 3 (2nd) Karlsson's of Anarchy (teal) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
Thu-Jun 27   (9th)JAFT (blue) 7 - 9 (8th) Canadian Budz (purple/white) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Thu-Jun 27   (6th) Rockwell Chiefs (red) 4 - 2 (7th) Yak Attack (Red) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Thu-Jun 27   (3rd) Rink Ratz (red) 1 - 3 (2nd) Karlsson's of Anarchy (teal) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Tue-Jul 2   (1st) Wakanda Forever (purple) 6 - 5 OT (5th) Demons (Orange) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Thu-Jul 4   (6th) Rockwell Chiefs (red) 1 - 3 (3rd) Rink Ratz (red) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Sun-Jul 7   (9th)JAFT (blue) 3 - 6 (3rd) Rink Ratz (red) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Sun-Jul 7   (7th) Yak Attack (Red) 2 - 3 OT (4th) Predators (yellow) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Sun-Jul 7   (8th) Canadian Budz (purple/white) 4 - 5 (2nd) Karlsson's of Anarchy (teal) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Tue-Jul 9   (9th)JAFT (blue) 3 - 4 (6th) Rockwell Chiefs (red) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
Wed-Jul 10   (1st) Wakanda Forever (purple) 6 - 4 (3rd) Rink Ratz (red) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Fri-Jul 12   (5th) Demons (Orange) 3 - 5 (4th) Predators (yellow) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Sun-Jul 14   (3rd) Rink Ratz (red) 8 - 2 (8th) Canadian Budz (purple/white) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Sun-Jul 14   (7th) Yak Attack (Red) 1 - 4 (1st) Wakanda Forever (purple) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Tue-Jul 16   (2nd) Karlsson's of Anarchy (teal) 2 - 1 OT (7th) Yak Attack (Red) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Tue-Jul 16   (3rd) Rink Ratz (red) 4 - 7 (5th) Demons (Orange) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Tue-Jul 16   (1st) Wakanda Forever (purple) 4 - 2 (9th)JAFT (blue) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Thu-Jul 18   (4th) Predators (yellow) 3 - 6 (3rd) Rink Ratz (red) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Thu-Jul 18   (6th) Rockwell Chiefs (red) 1 - 3 (2nd) Karlsson's of Anarchy (teal) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Thu-Jul 18   (9th)JAFT (blue) 1 - 3 (7th) Yak Attack (Red) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Sun-Jul 21   (8th) Canadian Budz (purple/white) 3 - 4 (4th) Predators (yellow) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Tue-Jul 23   (8th) Canadian Budz (purple/white) 7 - 17 (1st) Wakanda Forever (purple) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Tue-Jul 23   (7th) Yak Attack (Red) 1 - 2 (5th) Demons (Orange) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Thu-Jul 25   (2nd) Karlsson's of Anarchy (teal) 6 - 5 (4th) Predators (yellow) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
Fri-Jul 26   (1st) Wakanda Forever (purple) 6 - 5 (6th) Rockwell Chiefs (red) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Fri-Jul 26   (7th) Yak Attack (Red) 3 - 4 OT (3rd) Rink Ratz (red) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
Sun-Jul 28   (8th) Canadian Budz (purple/white) 1 - 5 (5th) Demons (Orange) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Sun-Jul 28   (3rd) Rink Ratz (red) 7 - 2 (6th) Rockwell Chiefs (red) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Sun-Jul 28   (4th) Predators (yellow) 8 - 2 (9th)JAFT (blue) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Mon-Jul 29   (4th) Predators (yellow) 5 - 6 OT (1st) Wakanda Forever (purple) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Tue-Jul 30   (2nd) Karlsson's of Anarchy (teal) 4 - 1 (9th)JAFT (blue) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Thu-Aug 1   (8th) Canadian Budz (purple/white) 2 - 3 (7th) Yak Attack (Red) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Thu-Aug 1   (3rd) Rink Ratz (red) 7 - 3 (9th)JAFT (blue) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Thu-Aug 1   (5th) Demons (Orange) 2 - 1 (6th) Rockwell Chiefs (red) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
Wed-Aug 7   (8th) Canadian Budz (purple/white) 7 - 4 (9th)JAFT (blue) Complete Welland Rink 2 Postseason-First to 3 pts 
Thu-Aug 8   (9th)JAFT (blue) 4 - 4 (8th) Canadian Budz (purple/white) Complete Welland Rink 1 Postseason-First to 3 pts 
Sun-Aug 11   (1st) Wakanda Forever (purple) 8 - 2 (8th) Canadian Budz (purple/white) Complete Welland Rink 1 Postseason-Best 2/3 
Sun-Aug 11   (2nd) Karlsson's of Anarchy (teal) 5 - 4 OT (7th) Yak Attack (Red) Complete Welland Rink 1 Postseason-Best 2/3 
Sun-Aug 11   (3rd) Rink Ratz (red) 3 - 5 (6th) Rockwell Chiefs (red) Complete Welland Rink 2 Postseason-Best 2/3 
Sun-Aug 11   (4th) Predators (yellow) 6 - 4 (5th) Demons (Orange) Complete Welland Rink 2 Postseason-Best 2/3 
Thu-Aug 15   (6th) Rockwell Chiefs (red) 3 - 5 (3rd) Rink Ratz (red) Complete Welland Rink 1 Postseason-Best 2/3 
Thu-Aug 15   (7th) Yak Attack (Red) 2 - 6 (2nd) Karlsson's of Anarchy (teal) Complete Welland Rink 2 Postseason-Best 2/3 
Thu-Aug 15   (5th) Demons (Orange) 5 - 4 (4th) Predators (yellow) Complete Welland Rink 1 Postseason-Best 2/3 
Thu-Aug 15   (8th) Canadian Budz (purple/white) (Forfeit) 0 - 1 (1st) Wakanda Forever (purple) Complete Welland Rink 2 Postseason-Best 2/3 
Sat-Aug 17   (3rd) Rink Ratz (red) 6 - 1 (6th) Rockwell Chiefs (red) Complete Welland Rink 1 Postseason-Best 2/3 
Sat-Aug 17   (4th) Predators (yellow) 3 - 0 (5th) Demons (Orange) Complete Welland Rink 1 Postseason-Best 2/3 
Sun-Aug 18   (1st) Wakanda Forever (purple) 9 - 5 (4th) Predators (yellow) Complete Welland Rink 1 Postseason-Best 2/3 
Sun-Aug 18   (2nd) Karlsson's of Anarchy (teal) 0 - 4 (3rd) Rink Ratz (red) Complete Welland Rink 2 Postseason-Best 2/3 
Tue-Aug 20   (4th) Predators (yellow) 2 - 9 (1st) Wakanda Forever (purple) Complete Welland Rink 1 Postseason-Best 2/3 
Tue-Aug 20   (3rd) Rink Ratz (red) 0 - 4 (2nd) Karlsson's of Anarchy (teal) Complete Welland Rink 1 Postseason-Best 2/3 
Thu-Aug 22   (2nd) Karlsson's of Anarchy (teal) 4 - 5 (3rd) Rink Ratz (red) Complete Welland Rink 2 Postseason-Best 2/3 
Sun-Aug 25   (1st) Wakanda Forever (purple) 3 - 4 (3rd) Rink Ratz (red) Complete Welland Rink 1 Postseason-Best 2/3 
Tue-Aug 27   (3rd) Rink Ratz (red) 4 - 3 OT (1st) Wakanda Forever (purple) Complete Welland Rink 1 Postseason-Best 2/3 
Player Statistics
 TeamPlayer#GoalsAssistsPointsPenalty Mins
1(8th) Canadian Budz (purple/white)Jake Archambult 2512370
2(1st) Wakanda Forever (purple)Brady Bearisto 16203610
3(1st) Wakanda Forever (purple)Blake Venneri 2112332
4(4th) Predators (yellow)Steve Jack 1316290
5(4th) Predators (yellow)Jamie Maclean 1113242
6(1st) Wakanda Forever (purple)Julien Bianchi 717248
7(5th) Demons (Orange)Jeff Graham 137200
8(3rd) Rink Ratz (red)Adriano Pupo 108182
9(6th) Rockwell Chiefs (red)Tyler Egerter 161177
10(4th) Predators (yellow)jason mccormack 124164
11(9th)JAFT (blue)Brad Troup 96154
12(7th) Yak Attack (Red)Frank Ciccone 69150
13(5th) Demons (Orange)Mike Damiano 95142
14(4th) Predators (yellow)Marc-André Largie 77142
15(1st) Wakanda Forever (purple)Nicholas Young 86140
16(3rd) Rink Ratz (red)Cody McGean 86140
17(5th) Demons (Orange)Trevor Grove 85130
18(9th)JAFT (blue)Cole Saxton 67130
19(2nd) Karlsson's of Anarchy (teal)Devin Dick 57124
20(3rd) Rink Ratz (red)Frank Ravenda 1021220
21(5th) Demons (Orange)Austin sabourin 74110
22(6th) Rockwell Chiefs (red)Wes Gibson 47112
23(7th) Yak Attack (Red)John Guidi 74114
24(7th) Yak Attack (Red)Josh Fincher 82108
25(5th) Demons (Orange)Greg Brown 2794
26(5th) Demons (Orange)Danny Powell 2794
27(6th) Rockwell Chiefs (red)Kevin Mills 4590
28(9th)JAFT (blue)Andrew Brown 1780
29(9th)JAFT (blue)Mike Duclos 2682
30(2nd) Karlsson's of Anarchy (teal)Joshua Jackson 4480
31(1st) Wakanda Forever (purple)Dylan Christie 6280
32(7th) Yak Attack (Red)Mark Presutti 4480
33(3rd) Rink Ratz (red)William Reid 4480
34(3rd) Rink Ratz (red)Kevin Trost 4482
35(3rd) Rink Ratz (red)Brian DeGrave 17812
36(3rd) Rink Ratz (red)Nolan Murawski 7180
37(8th) Canadian Budz (purple/white)Jordan Henderson 3470
38(9th)JAFT (blue)Mike Luciani 7070
39(2nd) Karlsson's of Anarchy (teal)Tyler Siska 5270
40(2nd) Karlsson's of Anarchy (teal)Matt Smith 4370
41(4th) Predators (yellow)Braeden Richards 5272
42(6th) Rockwell Chiefs (red)Kevin Gibbs 2570
43(6th) Rockwell Chiefs (red)Reese Ashbee 43710
44(3rd) Rink Ratz (red)Anthony Ruscitti 5270
45(8th) Canadian Budz (purple/white)Chris Tomlin 4260
46(9th)JAFT (blue)Brent Hogan 5160
47(2nd) Karlsson's of Anarchy (teal)Nathan Rensen 5160
48(2nd) Karlsson's of Anarchy (teal)Jon Godin 2460
49(2nd) Karlsson's of Anarchy (teal)Dillon Hastings 3366
50(1st) Wakanda Forever (purple)Eric Arseneau 2464
51(1st) Wakanda Forever (purple)Ethan Reid 3360
52(3rd) Rink Ratz (red)Anthony Pupo 2460
53(8th) Canadian Budz (purple/white)Peter Pellegrino 3252
54(4th) Predators (yellow)John Wascher 1450
55(1st) Wakanda Forever (purple)Billy Vogiatzis 0552
56(3rd) Rink Ratz (red)Andrew Thompson 1452
57(8th) Canadian Budz (purple/white)Hunter Klassen 1340
58(8th) Canadian Budz (purple/white)Alex Gower 2244
59(9th)JAFT (blue)Dave Fijavz 4044
60(9th)JAFT (blue)Kevin Rempel 40410
61(2nd) Karlsson's of Anarchy (teal)David Dick 2240
62(2nd) Karlsson's of Anarchy (teal)Adam Siska 2246
63(2nd) Karlsson's of Anarchy (teal)Gregor Thimmig 1340
64(4th) Predators (yellow)Andrew Cloutier 4044
65(6th) Rockwell Chiefs (red)Matt Cianfarani 1340
66(6th) Rockwell Chiefs (red)Kevin Colonna-Staples 1340
67(1st) Wakanda Forever (purple)Anthony Sapienza 2242
68(1st) Wakanda Forever (purple)Markus Basciano 0442
69(1st) Wakanda Forever (purple)Lucas Duemo 0440
70(1st) Wakanda Forever (purple)Carter Hendriks 1340
71(8th) Canadian Budz (purple/white)Chris Gillis 3030
72(8th) Canadian Budz (purple/white)Jeremy Lambert 2136
73(5th) Demons (Orange)Brian Sabourin 1230
74(5th) Demons (Orange)Jamie Hamilton 1236
75(5th) Demons (Orange)Brandon Calandrella 0334
76(2nd) Karlsson's of Anarchy (teal)Ty Keca 1230
77(4th) Predators (yellow)Harold Pegg 2132
78(6th) Rockwell Chiefs (red)Nick Vendetti 2132
79(6th) Rockwell Chiefs (red)Kody Gerada 2136
80(1st) Wakanda Forever (purple)Jacob Riganelli 1234
81(7th) Yak Attack (Red)Darla Dupuis 1234
82(7th) Yak Attack (Red)Dustin Levesque 1230
83(7th) Yak Attack (Red)Nathan Teal 2138
84(8th) Canadian Budz (purple/white)Mike Tomlin 2028
85(5th) Demons (Orange)Kamryn Clarkson 2020
86(9th)JAFT (blue)Dan Lagerstrom 1120
87(9th)JAFT (blue)David Tucker 0222
88(4th) Predators (yellow)Corey Barker 0220
89(6th) Rockwell Chiefs (red)Jimmy Legault 1120
90(6th) Rockwell Chiefs (red)Max Csuka 1120
91(1st) Wakanda Forever (purple)Liam Hincox 1120
92(7th) Yak Attack (Red)Jarod Bourne 0220
93(3rd) Rink Ratz (red)Chris Robinson 0220
94(8th) Canadian Budz (purple/white)Tyler Armstrong 1010
95(5th) Demons (Orange)Cameron Hickman 1012
96(5th) Demons (Orange)Dylan Hogan 1010
97(9th)JAFT (blue)Wes Linwood 1010
98(2nd) Karlsson's of Anarchy (teal)Christan Redpath 10110
99(4th) Predators (yellow)Justin Salvatore 0114
100(4th) Predators (yellow)Shawn Walsh 0110
101(6th) Rockwell Chiefs (red)Spencer Maunsell 1010
102(7th) Yak Attack (Red)Paolo Lagrotteria 0110
103(7th) Yak Attack (Red)Jeff McIntyre 1010
104(3rd) Rink Ratz (red)Jay Diprose 0110
105(3rd) Rink Ratz (red)Matthew Collacott 0110
106(2nd) Karlsson's of Anarchy (teal)Ryan Kelly 0002
107(7th) Yak Attack (Red)Paul Pepe 0002
108(7th) Yak Attack (Red)George Milana 0002
Goalie Statistics
 TeamPlayer#GPWinsLossesTiesGoals AgainstGAA
1(2nd) Karlsson's of Anarchy (teal)Ryan Kelly 8710172.12
2(1st) Wakanda Forever (purple)Norbert Tanacs 6510254.17
3(7th) Yak Attack (Red)Paolo Lagrotteria 12390393.25
4(3rd) Rink Ratz (red)Wayne Barker 6330274.50
5(9th)JAFT (blue)Wes Linwood 9270505.56
6(5th) Demons (Orange)Trevor Grove 110044.00
7(5th) Demons (Orange)Tyler Grove 4130184.50
8(4th) Predators (yellow)Corey Barker 110022.00
9(6th) Rockwell Chiefs (red)Sam Csuka 3120165.33
10(1st) Wakanda Forever (purple)Markus Basciano 110077.00
11(8th) Canadian Budz (purple/white)Peter Pellegrino 10101717.00
12(8th) Canadian Budz (purple/white)Tyler Armstrong 101055.00
13(2nd) Karlsson's of Anarchy (teal)Tyler Siska 101099.00
14(4th) Predators (yellow)Iain Smith 101044.00
League Details
League Type: LeagueRoundRobin
Demographic: Mens
Division: Mens D4
Sport: Ball Hockey (Rules & Regulations)
Start Date: 2019-06-06
End Date: 2019-08-31
Status: Complete
Team Fee: $1,900.00
PlayerFee: $165.00
Other Fee Info:
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