Men's D3    (septiembre de 2019)
Men's D3 Standings
  GP  W  L  T  OTL  GF  GA  GD  PTS Calendar Sync
(A-1st) Black Pearls 121200057292824
(A-2nd) Tonto (white/black) 121020050341620
(A-3rd) Five Year Olds With Sticks 12840044281616
(A-4th) Scoregasms 1284005142916
(A-5th) Thunder Buddies (black) 12750146331315
(A-6th) Cobras (white) 1274104941815
(A-7th) The Hawks (black) 1275005046414
(A-8th) The Tropics (teal/orange) 12660255431214
(B-9th) Warriors (blue) 12561257441313
(B-10th) The Replacements (red) 1266004845312
(B-11th) Hooters (Orange) 1248003858-208
(B-12th) Ducks (green) 1248004450-68
(B-13th) Balls Deep 1239013352-197
(B-14th) Cheapsuits (Black) 1239001938-196
(B-15th) Whalers (green) 12111013361-283
Red Bulls 404001040-300
Men's D3 Schedule
FechaInicio FueraHora/CondiciónLugar de celebraciónTipo de JuegoFuncionarios
ma.-sep. 3   (A-6th) Cobras (white) 3 - 3 OT (B-9th) Warriors (blue) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
ma.-sep. 3   (A-7th) The Hawks (black) 1 - 0 (B-12th) Ducks (green) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
ma.-sep. 3   (A-2nd) Tonto (white/black) 3 - 2 (B-15th) Whalers (green) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
vi.-sep. 6   (A-5th) Thunder Buddies (black) 3 - 0 (B-13th) Balls Deep Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
sá.-sep. 7   (A-8th) The Tropics (teal/orange) 1 - 8 (A-5th) Thunder Buddies (black) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
sá.-sep. 7   Red Bulls 4 - 14 (B-10th) The Replacements (red) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
do.-sep. 8   (B-12th) Ducks (green) 4 - 7 (A-2nd) Tonto (white/black) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
lu.-sep. 9   (B-9th) Warriors (blue) 4 - 3 OT (A-8th) The Tropics (teal/orange) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
ma.-sep. 10   (B-15th) Whalers (green) 5 - 7 (A-7th) The Hawks (black) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
ma.-sep. 10   (B-13th) Balls Deep 7 - 1 (B-10th) The Replacements (red) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
ju.-sep. 12   Red Bulls 2 - 7 (A-6th) Cobras (white) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
vi.-sep. 13   (A-5th) Thunder Buddies (black) 3 - 1 (B-12th) Ducks (green) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
do.-sep. 15   (B-10th) The Replacements (red) 1 - 0 (B-15th) Whalers (green) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
do.-sep. 15   (A-2nd) Tonto (white/black) 4 - 5 (A-8th) The Tropics (teal/orange) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
do.-sep. 15   (A-7th) The Hawks (black) 9 - 8 OT (B-9th) Warriors (blue) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
do.-sep. 15   Red Bulls 3 - 7 (A-5th) Thunder Buddies (black) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
lu.-sep. 16   (B-9th) Warriors (blue) 12 - 1 Red Bulls Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
ma.-sep. 17   (A-6th) Cobras (white) 3 - 1 (B-15th) Whalers (green) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
ma.-sep. 17   (B-12th) Ducks (green) 1 - 3 (B-14th) Cheapsuits (Black) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
ma.-sep. 17   (A-2nd) Tonto (white/black) 2 - 1 (B-11th) Hooters (Orange) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
ma.-sep. 17   (B-13th) Balls Deep 0 - 5 (A-4th) Scoregasms Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
ju.-sep. 19   (B-11th) Hooters (Orange) 3 - 6 (A-3rd) Five Year Olds With Sticks Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
ju.-sep. 19   (A-7th) The Hawks (black) 7 - 1 (A-5th) Thunder Buddies (black) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
lu.-sep. 23   (A-6th) Cobras (white) 5 - 4 (A-4th) Scoregasms Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
lu.-sep. 23   (A-1st) Black Pearls 4 - 3 OT (B-9th) Warriors (blue) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
ma.-sep. 24   (B-13th) Balls Deep 1 - 5 (B-14th) Cheapsuits (Black) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
ma.-sep. 24   (B-11th) Hooters (Orange) 4 - 7 (A-8th) The Tropics (teal/orange) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
mi.-sep. 25   (A-4th) Scoregasms 6 - 4 (B-10th) The Replacements (red) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
ju.-sep. 26   (A-7th) The Hawks (black) 3 - 4 (A-2nd) Tonto (white/black) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
ju.-sep. 26   (A-8th) The Tropics (teal/orange) 6 - 7 OT (A-3rd) Five Year Olds With Sticks Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
vi.-sep. 27   (A-1st) Black Pearls 4 - 2 (B-12th) Ducks (green) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
sá.-sep. 28   (B-10th) The Replacements (red) 5 - 2 (B-12th) Ducks (green) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
do.-sep. 29   (A-7th) The Hawks (black) 0 - 4 (A-3rd) Five Year Olds With Sticks Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
do.-sep. 29   (A-6th) Cobras (white) 5 - 1 (B-13th) Balls Deep Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
do.-sep. 29   (B-14th) Cheapsuits (Black) 0 - 3 (B-11th) Hooters (Orange) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
lu.-sep. 30   (A-4th) Scoregasms 5 - 4 (B-9th) Warriors (blue) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
ma.-oct. 1   (A-5th) Thunder Buddies (black) 5 - 6 (B-15th) Whalers (green) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
ma.-oct. 1   (B-11th) Hooters (Orange) 5 - 2 (B-13th) Balls Deep Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
mi.-oct. 2   (A-6th) Cobras (white) 8 - 5 (A-7th) The Hawks (black) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
ju.-oct. 3   (A-6th) Cobras (white) 2 - 1 (B-14th) Cheapsuits (Black) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
ju.-oct. 3   (A-8th) The Tropics (teal/orange) 6 - 2 (B-15th) Whalers (green) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
vi.-oct. 4   (A-2nd) Tonto (white/black) 3 - 5 (A-1st) Black Pearls Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
vi.-oct. 4   (B-10th) The Replacements (red) 3 - 1 (A-5th) Thunder Buddies (black) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
vi.-oct. 4   (B-12th) Ducks (green) 5 - 2 (B-13th) Balls Deep Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
sá.-oct. 5   (B-12th) Ducks (green) 3 - 2 (A-8th) The Tropics (teal/orange) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
do.-oct. 6   (B-11th) Hooters (Orange) 1 - 11 (B-9th) Warriors (blue) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
do.-oct. 6   (B-14th) Cheapsuits (Black) 0 - 3 (A-7th) The Hawks (black) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
lu.-oct. 7   (A-3rd) Five Year Olds With Sticks 5 - 1 (B-9th) Warriors (blue) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
ma.-oct. 8   (A-4th) Scoregasms 7 - 6 OT (B-15th) Whalers (green) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
ma.-oct. 8   (B-12th) Ducks (green) 2 - 6 (B-11th) Hooters (Orange) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
ma.-oct. 8   (A-6th) Cobras (white) 3 - 4 (A-1st) Black Pearls Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
ju.-oct. 10   (A-1st) Black Pearls 8 - 7 OT (B-13th) Balls Deep Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
vi.-oct. 11   (A-2nd) Tonto (white/black) 4 - 3 OT (A-5th) Thunder Buddies (black) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
ma.-oct. 15   (B-14th) Cheapsuits (Black) 3 - 6 (A-1st) Black Pearls Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
ma.-oct. 15   (A-2nd) Tonto (white/black) 7 - 3 (A-6th) Cobras (white) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
ma.-oct. 15   (B-11th) Hooters (Orange) 3 - 5 (A-5th) Thunder Buddies (black) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
mi.-oct. 16   (A-7th) The Hawks (black) (Forfeit) 0 - 1 (A-4th) Scoregasms Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
mi.-oct. 16   (A-8th) The Tropics (teal/orange) 5 - 2 (B-10th) The Replacements (red) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
ju.-oct. 17   (B-12th) Ducks (green) 13 - 6 (B-15th) Whalers (green) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
ju.-oct. 17   (A-1st) Black Pearls 3 - 0 (A-8th) The Tropics (teal/orange) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
do.-oct. 20   (B-14th) Cheapsuits (Black) 3 - 6 (A-2nd) Tonto (white/black) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
do.-oct. 20   (A-4th) Scoregasms 2 - 3 (A-3rd) Five Year Olds With Sticks Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
lu.-oct. 21   (B-9th) Warriors (blue) 3 - 5 (A-5th) Thunder Buddies (black) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
ma.-oct. 22   (A-6th) Cobras (white) 4 - 7 (B-12th) Ducks (green) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
ma.-oct. 22   (B-15th) Whalers (green) 5 - 7 (B-13th) Balls Deep Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
ma.-oct. 22   (B-11th) Hooters (Orange) 2 - 3 (A-1st) Black Pearls Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
mi.-oct. 23   (B-14th) Cheapsuits (Black) 1 - 2 (A-4th) Scoregasms Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
mi.-oct. 23   (B-15th) Whalers (green) (Forfeit) 0 - 1 (B-9th) Warriors (blue) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
mi.-oct. 23   (A-1st) Black Pearls 5 - 3 (B-10th) The Replacements (red) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
ju.-oct. 24   (B-10th) The Replacements (red) 3 - 5 (A-3rd) Five Year Olds With Sticks Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
ju.-oct. 24   (A-8th) The Tropics (teal/orange) 10 - 1 (A-7th) The Hawks (black) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
do.-oct. 27   (B-14th) Cheapsuits (Black) 0 - 5 (A-3rd) Five Year Olds With Sticks Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
do.-oct. 27   (A-7th) The Hawks (black) 8 - 4 (B-13th) Balls Deep Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
do.-oct. 27   (A-4th) Scoregasms 6 - 7 (B-11th) Hooters (Orange) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
lu.-oct. 28   (A-7th) The Hawks (black) 6 - 1 (B-10th) The Replacements (red) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
lu.-oct. 28   (B-15th) Whalers (green) (Forfeit) 0 - 1 (B-14th) Cheapsuits (Black) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
lu.-oct. 28   (A-3rd) Five Year Olds With Sticks 2 - 3 (A-1st) Black Pearls Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
ma.-oct. 29   (B-12th) Ducks (green) 4 - 7 (A-4th) Scoregasms Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
ma.-oct. 29   (A-2nd) Tonto (white/black) 2 - 1 (B-13th) Balls Deep Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
ma.-oct. 29   (A-6th) Cobras (white) 4 - 1 (A-8th) The Tropics (teal/orange) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
ma.-oct. 29   (B-13th) Balls Deep 1 - 0 (A-3rd) Five Year Olds With Sticks Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
ma.-oct. 29   (A-1st) Black Pearls 7 - 0 (B-15th) Whalers (green) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
sá.-nov. 2   (A-4th) Scoregasms 5 - 3 (A-3rd) Five Year Olds With Sticks Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
sá.-nov. 2   (B-14th) Cheapsuits (Black) 0 - 4 (A-5th) Thunder Buddies (black) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
sá.-nov. 2   (A-6th) Cobras (white) 2 - 5 (A-2nd) Tonto (white/black) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
do.-nov. 3   (A-5th) Thunder Buddies (black) 1 - 2 (A-3rd) Five Year Olds With Sticks Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
do.-nov. 3   (B-9th) Warriors (blue) 5 - 2 (B-14th) Cheapsuits (Black) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
lu.-nov. 4   (A-1st) Black Pearls 5 - 1 (A-4th) Scoregasms Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
lu.-nov. 4   (B-10th) The Replacements (red) 5 - 2 (B-11th) Hooters (Orange) Complete Welland Rink 1 Regular 
ma.-nov. 5   (A-3rd) Five Year Olds With Sticks 2 - 3 (A-2nd) Tonto (white/black) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
ma.-nov. 5   (A-8th) The Tropics (teal/orange) 9 - 1 (B-11th) Hooters (Orange) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Regular 
ma.-nov. 5   (B-10th) The Replacements (red) 6 - 2 (B-9th) Warriors (blue) Complete Welland Rink 2 Regular 
do.-nov. 10   (A-2nd) Tonto (white/black) 2 - 8 (A-7th) The Hawks (black) Complete Welland Rink 2 Postseason 
do.-nov. 10   (A-3rd) Five Year Olds With Sticks 4 - 1 (A-6th) Cobras (white) Complete Welland Rink 2 Postseason 
do.-nov. 10   (A-4th) Scoregasms 1 - 0 (A-5th) Thunder Buddies (black) Complete Welland Rink 2 Postseason 
do.-nov. 10   (A-8th) The Tropics (teal/orange) 1 - 2 (A-1st) Black Pearls Complete Welland Rink 2 Postseason 
ma.-nov. 12   (A-8th) The Tropics (teal/orange) 2 - 3 (A-1st) Black Pearls Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Postseason 
ma.-nov. 12   (A-7th) The Hawks (black) 3 - 6 (A-2nd) Tonto (white/black) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Postseason 
ma.-nov. 12   (A-5th) Thunder Buddies (black) 4 - 3 (A-4th) Scoregasms Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Postseason 
ma.-nov. 12   (A-6th) Cobras (white) 0 - 5 (A-3rd) Five Year Olds With Sticks Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Postseason 
lu.-nov. 18   (A-2nd) Tonto (white/black) 3 - 9 (A-7th) The Hawks (black) Complete Welland Rink 1 Postseason 
lu.-nov. 18   (A-4th) Scoregasms 5 - 2 (A-5th) Thunder Buddies (black) Complete Welland Rink 1 Postseason 
ma.-nov. 19   (A-1st) Black Pearls 1 - 0 (A-7th) The Hawks (black) Complete Welland Rink 2 Postseason 
ma.-nov. 19   (A-3rd) Five Year Olds With Sticks 3 - 2 (A-4th) Scoregasms Complete Welland Rink 2 Postseason 
ju.-nov. 21   (A-4th) Scoregasms 1 - 2 OT (A-3rd) Five Year Olds With Sticks Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Postseason 
ju.-nov. 21   (A-7th) The Hawks (black) 4 - 3 (A-1st) Black Pearls Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Postseason 
do.-nov. 24   (A-1st) Black Pearls 8 - 3 (A-7th) The Hawks (black) Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Postseason 
ma.-nov. 26   (A-1st) Black Pearls 0 - 2 (A-3rd) Five Year Olds With Sticks Complete Mike McGowan Memorial Rink Postseason 
do.-dic. 1   (A-3rd) Five Year Olds With Sticks 2 - 3 (A-1st) Black Pearls Complete Welland Rink 1 Postseason 
lu.-dic. 2   (A-1st) Black Pearls 2 - 1 OT (A-3rd) Five Year Olds With Sticks Complete Welland Rink 1 Postseason 
Player Statistics
 EquipoJugador#GoalsAssistsPointsPenalty Mins
1(B-13th) Balls DeepOwen Cookson 55010
2(B-13th) Balls DeepRiley Speck 1008
3(B-13th) Balls DeepIan Noble 3602
4(B-13th) Balls DeepAidan Brotherston 2100
5(B-13th) Balls DeepShane Brotherston 3202
6(B-13th) Balls DeepJosh Brens 4100
7(B-13th) Balls DeepJesse Stevenson 4404
8(B-13th) Balls DeepTyler Shafir 2102
9(B-13th) Balls DeepBraedon Frell 0002
10(B-13th) Balls DeepJoshua Jackson 2000
11(B-13th) Balls DeepJustin Dickson 2200
12(B-13th) Balls DeepRobert Maisonneuve 2302
13(B-13th) Balls DeepMatthew Peters 0200
14(A-6th) Cobras (white)Tim Schleich 1500
15(A-6th) Cobras (white)Pieter Vrugteveen 8402
16(A-6th) Cobras (white)Eric Parsons 2200
17(A-6th) Cobras (white)Elliott Leblanc 7600
18(A-6th) Cobras (white)Wayne Eymann 1202
19(A-6th) Cobras (white)Cory Lane 161004
20(A-6th) Cobras (white)Luke Cormier 0102
21(A-6th) Cobras (white)Ryan Bridges 1004
22(A-6th) Cobras (white)Derek Frausel 3204
23(A-6th) Cobras (white)Niklas Gallen 4800
24(A-6th) Cobras (white)Talon Carr 8502
25(A-6th) Cobras (white)Nick Stevenson 0006
26(B-12th) Ducks (green)Chris Buick7411100
27(B-12th) Ducks (green)Ryan Caffery335502
28(B-12th) Ducks (green)Jeff Hamilton001200
29(B-12th) Ducks (green)Chris Gagnon90504
30(B-12th) Ducks (green)Jordan Harper 6602
31(B-12th) Ducks (green)Hank Man213802
32(B-12th) Ducks (green)Myles Watson011202
33(B-12th) Ducks (green)Karl Foisey 1400
34(B-12th) Ducks (green)Dan Kyle544508
35(B-12th) Ducks (green)Jordan Bunn44002
36(B-12th) Ducks (green)Ethan Cuthbert890300
37(B-12th) Ducks (green)Kyle Setford 2200
38(B-12th) Ducks (green)James Rochon200300
39Red BullsBrandon Bruni 2300
40Red BullsCory Lane 161004
41Red BullsRyan Ruth 3300
42Red BullsDarcy Hipwell 2100
43Red BullsBen Nicholls 0002
44Red BullsKyle Hardy 0002
45(A-7th) The Hawks (black)Andrew Kaas 2004
46(A-7th) The Hawks (black)Paul Jr. Doucette 210014
47(A-7th) The Hawks (black)Michael Villela 65016
48(A-7th) The Hawks (black)colin Morrone 2104
49(A-7th) The Hawks (black)Noah Belanger 4400
50(A-7th) The Hawks (black)Nick Villela 12608
51(A-7th) The Hawks (black)Cameron Ringrose 2202
52(A-7th) The Hawks (black)Jack MacDonald 9602
53(A-7th) The Hawks (black)Mitchell Morrone 3200
54(A-7th) The Hawks (black)Brandon Biancaniello 1000
55(A-7th) The Hawks (black)Christian Harford 0008
56(B-10th) The Replacements (red)Jay Diprose772208
57(B-10th) The Replacements (red)Jolan Taylor003404
58(B-10th) The Replacements (red)Ryan Kostuk1310300
59(B-10th) The Replacements (red)Thomas Myers342402
60(B-10th) The Replacements (red)Jeremy Weston856706
61(B-10th) The Replacements (red)James Chicoski8971202
62(B-10th) The Replacements (red)Shayne Smith180300
63(B-10th) The Replacements (red)Robert Anderson663502
64(B-10th) The Replacements (red)Josh Freitas611700
65(B-10th) The Replacements (red)Jonny Langedyk51202
66(B-10th) The Replacements (red)Jesse Bigiglio91200
67(A-8th) The Tropics (teal/orange)Andrew Brown107700
68(A-8th) The Tropics (teal/orange)Brad Troup148402
69(A-8th) The Tropics (teal/orange)Dave Fijavz275300
70(A-8th) The Tropics (teal/orange)Mike Luciani1212400
71(A-8th) The Tropics (teal/orange)Brandon Gray902702
72(A-8th) The Tropics (teal/orange)Steve Ruesen191300
73(A-8th) The Tropics (teal/orange)David Tucker90300
74(A-8th) The Tropics (teal/orange)Keith Burtnik666500
75(A-8th) The Tropics (teal/orange)Wyatt Flagg41500
76(A-8th) The Tropics (teal/orange)Tucker Holmes2310302
77(A-8th) The Tropics (teal/orange)Ivan Ojvan291202
78(A-8th) The Tropics (teal/orange)Nathan Shute970202
79(A-8th) The Tropics (teal/orange)Quinn TuckerG/000100
80(A-5th) Thunder Buddies (black)Jesse Smith 1008
81(A-5th) Thunder Buddies (black)Dylan Etienne 0200
82(A-5th) Thunder Buddies (black)Chris Gillis 4600
83(A-5th) Thunder Buddies (black)Jordan Henderson 6204
84(A-5th) Thunder Buddies (black)Mark Morrison 2308
85(A-5th) Thunder Buddies (black)Derek Howard 3700
86(A-5th) Thunder Buddies (black)Wes Linwood 51000
87(A-5th) Thunder Buddies (black)Hunter Anderson 17602
88(A-5th) Thunder Buddies (black)Richard Haynes 4104
89(A-5th) Thunder Buddies (black)Riley Henderson 1406
90(A-5th) Thunder Buddies (black)Jesse Quaranta 2704
91(A-5th) Thunder Buddies (black)Ryan Wallington 1300
92(A-5th) Thunder Buddies (black)kalvin jarnevic 0100
93(A-2nd) Tonto (white/black)John Moccia 6805
94(A-2nd) Tonto (white/black)Jim Nayler 61300
95(A-2nd) Tonto (white/black)Tom Ferguson 2300
96(A-2nd) Tonto (white/black)ray blanchette 4600
97(A-2nd) Tonto (white/black)Mike Ott 4600
98(A-2nd) Tonto (white/black)Carlos Gomes 0300
99(A-2nd) Tonto (white/black)David Gomes 1602
100(A-2nd) Tonto (white/black)Daryll Smith 10900
101(A-2nd) Tonto (white/black)Mike Gregotski 11302
102(A-2nd) Tonto (white/black)Eric Gomes 4700
103(B-9th) Warriors (blue)Andre Papineau 11604
104(B-9th) Warriors (blue)Matt Granitto 111000
105(B-9th) Warriors (blue)Mario Granitto 1404
106(B-9th) Warriors (blue)Dan Covello 0100
107(B-9th) Warriors (blue)Craig McGough 4300
108(B-9th) Warriors (blue)Curtis Coleman 5500
109(B-9th) Warriors (blue)Kevin Gordon 2604
110(B-9th) Warriors (blue)Will Burtch 8604
111(B-9th) Warriors (blue)Bryton Kominetsky 6702
112(B-9th) Warriors (blue)Mario Ventullo 3402
113(B-9th) Warriors (blue)Jim Cartmell 1200
114(B-9th) Warriors (blue)Bryan Russell 2502
115(B-15th) Whalers (green)JP Lepiane 2300
116(B-15th) Whalers (green)Mitchell Harley 12010
117(B-15th) Whalers (green)Joshua Lemire 3100
118(B-15th) Whalers (green)Denem Chaudry 1000
119(B-15th) Whalers (green)Joey Taddeo 12600
120(B-15th) Whalers (green)Jesse Begg 5404
121(B-15th) Whalers (green)Patrick Shaw 0100
122(B-15th) Whalers (green)Mario Luzancac 1302
123(B-15th) Whalers (green)Kurtis Allan 1004
124(A-3rd) Five Year Olds With SticksDenver Geelen 8402
125(A-3rd) Five Year Olds With SticksMichael Romaniw 9200
126(A-3rd) Five Year Olds With SticksLucas Annis 101004
127(A-3rd) Five Year Olds With SticksAric Emiroy 1304
128(A-3rd) Five Year Olds With SticksDarren Ross 1203
129(A-3rd) Five Year Olds With SticksWalter Blahut 0002
130(A-3rd) Five Year Olds With SticksTaylor Wagner 0502
131(A-3rd) Five Year Olds With SticksLiam Dolan 7800
132(A-3rd) Five Year Olds With SticksReilly Morton 1000
133(B-11th) Hooters (Orange)Jeff Hornick574402
134(B-11th) Hooters (Orange)Weston Quin916100
135(B-11th) Hooters (Orange)vaughan coens270202
136(B-11th) Hooters (Orange)Rob Doherty8168014
137(B-11th) Hooters (Orange)Mike Fiore53502
138(B-11th) Hooters (Orange)Mike Woodhouse440200
139(B-11th) Hooters (Orange)Serge Rusic94301
140(B-11th) Hooters (Orange)George Rusic13125010
141(B-11th) Hooters (Orange)Peter Dychtiar582804
142(A-4th) ScoregasmsJoncarlo Lorenzi 8600
143(A-4th) ScoregasmsJosh Belay 71002
144(A-4th) ScoregasmsChase Berton 5002
145(A-4th) ScoregasmsBen Borysko 2002
146(A-4th) ScoregasmsZane Favell 3202
147(A-4th) ScoregasmsAnthony Giancaterino 7804
148(A-4th) ScoregasmsJames Holt 1002
149(A-4th) ScoregasmsBen Katzman 1200
150(A-4th) ScoregasmsSpencer Keats 2302
151(A-4th) ScoregasmsZach Morningstar 5602
152(A-4th) ScoregasmsChristian Palombo 2100
153(A-4th) ScoregasmsAdam Crosbie 1300
154(B-14th) Cheapsuits (Black)Jordan Hernder 1102
155(B-14th) Cheapsuits (Black)James Hernder 2102
156(B-14th) Cheapsuits (Black)Dan Lambert 2000
157(B-14th) Cheapsuits (Black)Brandon Benoit 3102
158(B-14th) Cheapsuits (Black)Matt Taylor 6502
159(B-14th) Cheapsuits (Black)Mike Abbs 1100
160(B-14th) Cheapsuits (Black)Devin Oleniuk 2204
161(A-1st) Black PearlsDylan White 5300
162(A-1st) Black PearlsColton Gdanski 5602
163(A-1st) Black PearlsPatrick MacDonald 10800
164(A-1st) Black PearlsColton De Wolfe 46014
165(A-1st) Black PearlsLucas Mcoustra 7206
166(A-1st) Black PearlsMichael Perez 6406
167(A-1st) Black PearlsDaniel Reeds 7600
168(A-1st) Black PearlsCarter Rusk 7800
169(A-1st) Black PearlsCalvin Speice 3400
170(A-1st) Black PearlsColten Trudel 1002
171(A-1st) Black PearlsLucien Desrochers 0200
Goalie Statistics
 EquipoJugador#GPWinsLossesTiesGoals AgainstGAA
1(A-2nd) Tonto (white/black)Mark Michalicka 10910270,00
2(A-5th) Thunder Buddies (black)kalvin jarnevic 11740280,00
3(A-6th) Cobras (white)Austin Liddycoat 7520170,00
4(A-8th) The Tropics (teal/orange)Quinn TuckerG/009540300,00
5(A-7th) The Hawks (black)Leighton Halliday 7430300,00
6(A-4th) ScoregasmsNathan Chapman 5410140,00
7(A-1st) Black PearlsPat McGrath 4400100,00
8(B-9th) Warriors (blue)Brad Stringer 5320170,00
9(B-12th) Ducks (green)Tyler DuffG5230130,00
10(B-10th) The Replacements (red)Jason AgnewGOAL8260390,00
11(A-3rd) Five Year Olds With SticksJoey Parker 220040,00
12(B-14th) Cheapsuits (Black)Giancarlo Pavan 9270290,00
13(A-1st) Black PearlsPatrick Kiermacz 010000,00
14(B-13th) Balls DeepRiley Speck 2020130,00
15(A-6th) Cobras (white)Pieter Vrugteveen 101050,00
16Red BullsBrandon Bruni 101070,00